Workshop 6
Action, Allyship and Tools for Change
While knowledge and awareness of oppression is important, it does not always produce change. This last workshop will focus on tools and skills for active and effective allyship and meaningful social change. Participants will not only explore what effective allyship means and how to take action but also how to make and respond to inevitable mistakes.
Password: %gd2=ky9
Workshop 5
Systemic Oppression: Past, Present, & Future
Building on the knowledge of the individual and interpersonal impact of discrimination this workshop will broaden our understanding to include how discrimination operates at a systemic level. and the historical and enduring presence of systemic racism and oppression.
Password: @XZ4YSw3
Workshop 4
Bias and Discrimination: The Interpersonal Impact
Participants will explore the interpersonal impact of bias and discrimination through verbal and non-verbal microaggressions, oppressive language and exclusionary behaviour. Using relevant workplace scenarios participants will analyze and identify barriers to inclusion and possible solutions.
Password: 1N$5Ez@S
Workshop 3
The Identity Factor: Understanding Privilege and Social Location
We all have a role to play in dismantling systems of oppression and creating more inclusive and equitable environments. This workshop will allow participants to deepen their understanding of how our identities influence our experiences and perspectives. This includes understanding power, white privilege and other forms of privilege.
Password: 7DRyn@?p
Workshop 2
Foundations of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Humans Rights
Participants will acquire knowledge of the foundational concepts and appropriate terminology related to diversity, equity, inclusion, human rights, racism and oppression. This workshop will help build an understanding of each concept individually, their relationship to one another and most importantly how they apply to our workplace environments.
Password: Ue%ki4cu
Workshop 1
Interrupting Bias: An Anti-Bias Approach for the Workplace
Part one of the training series will focus on establishing a foundational understanding of personal bias and the role of bias in oppression and exclusion. This workshop will help participants identify how personal bias affect their perceptions and treatment of others and how to interrupt bias to create positive change.
Password: K8*j1icp
Turning to the experts. Our guided learning sessions can be anything from agency-wide workshops to events and get-togethers. For each, we’ll turn to outside facilitators and subject matter experts to help us deepen our understanding of systemic racism and bias.